What is Flowmonk?

Learn more about Flowmonk's Webflow tools

Welcome to Flowmonk!

We're huge fans of Webflow and we built Flowmonk to help you build smarter, better and more dynamic Webflow sites. Our tools were created to help bridge the gap between Webflow's capabilities and crucial functionality that Airtable and some of our other flows offer.

Flowmonk's tools and services are built with a no-code mindset, our solutions require no additional coding knowledge and are built so that anyone with any knowledge can take advantage of our services.

Flowmonk Airtable & Webflow Sync

In minutes you can create two-way, real-time syncing between Webflow and Airtable. This unlocks a whole new world of capabilities for your Webflow sites:

  • Manage and create Webflow CMS items directly from Airtable
  • Sync real-time pageviews with our Pageview flow
  • Create advanced SEO descriptions in Webflow for your CMS items
  • Use Airtable formulas, rollups, counts and other functions to add dynamic capabilities to your sites
  • Easily create large programmatic SEO pages

Flowmonk Pageview flow:

With a small JS snippet and a one-time setup your Webflow site can start receiving real-time pageview data directly to Webflow (and Airtable) to unlock a new world of potential. With our Webflow pageviews flow you can now build smarter, and more dynamic Webflow sites:

  • Dynamically sort Webflow CMS collections based on views
  • Dynamically filter Webflow collections based on views
  • Create top 10, top 25, and top 100+ items based on views
  • Create top user badges
  • Create internal or external dashboard pages based view data

Import Google Analytics data to Webflow CMS:

We've built our Google Analytics import flow to make it easy to import Google Analytics pageview data directly to your Webflow CMS. Other solutions require confusing zaps, extensive Make scenarios or confusing Airtable base configurations. Depending on the size of your site this could also incur expensive transaction costs. With Flowmonk Google Analytics import we'll automatically identify the Webflow CMS items and match corresponding pageview data to those Webflow collection items. This ensures that all legacy pageview data is accounted for prior to using Flowmonk pageview flow.

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